
Frequently Asked Questions


Browse through our frequently asked questions below. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us at your preferred dojo location, via the locations menu option.

Do the kids classes follow the same term as school and have holidays?

Individual dojo locations have separate holiday programs

Do individuals graduate to the next belt individually or is it the whole class together?

Dojos come together and students are graded by the Head Instructors

Do we pay per class or for the term?

There are different fee options to choose from ranging from per class up to per year

What happens if I am sick and cannot attend?

A courtesy message is appreciated to let the instructor know

What happens if I am injured during a lesson?

We try our best to avoid injuries in our classes however accidents happen and because of that all of our instructors are at least Level 2 First Aid qualified allowing them to treat most injuries however more severe injuries are directed to professional paramedics & doctors

Are there certain injuries that I have obtained previously that will stop me from doing Karate?

With MOST common injuries we can make adjustments to our training programme to work around the injury …. we currently have a legally blind student who competes in the World Karate Federation!

Is there a basic form of Karate I can do while I am pregnant?

Yes, we simply remove the exercises that are not suitable from our normal training programme however we do recommend consulting your doctor for further advise on exercises you should be avoiding

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us at your preferred dojo location, via the locations menu option.
